Three Monkeys

by Tony Naz


1. Monkey See, Monkey Do

Monkeys are excellent mimics of human behavior. This essay will deal with three types of monkeys. All of them are applicable to the current state of affairs in America. The old expression "Monkey see, monkey do" is a good analogy to the average, uninformed American's view of 9/11. Many still actually believe the story about the man in the cave in Afghanistan who planned, coordinated and executed with impeccable military precision the attack on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon on September 11th, and overlook the fact that none of the hijacked airliners were intercepted by fighter jets and no warning shots were ever fired at any of the 4 planes in the entire 90+ minutes that they were in the air, with the exception of the 4th plane, Flight 93, which we are told was brought down by heroic passengers. This, sadly, was a lie as we all heard about recently in a statement by Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, a freudian slip of major proportions. How does this man sleep at night?

What thinking, rational human being would believe the charade of doctored news stories put out by the media? Remember Jessica Lynch? She would not sell her soul for the false story put out by all the major media. Her conscience started to bother her, so she told the truth. Still, many buy into the government's dubious version of what happened in Iraq with their non-existent WMD's and the 911 Commission's whitewash book. Ask them why. What you get back as a reply is that terrorism is a threat to their security and they feel safer being on the offensive, killing thousands, if not tens of thousands of innocent families in Iraq, a country who never attacked or threatened them! Obviously something is wrong with this explanation. Monkey See and Monkey Do go out and stock up on duck tape and hide in the bathroom tub when Homeland Security gives the signal. We are an embarrassment to the rest of the world, who see right through the administration's lies. "We have nothing to fear, but fear itself." We are like Pavlov's dog. Bush and his media puppeteers say terrorists are going to strike and Homeland Security will miraculously protect us. So the supposed "majority" diligently believes him and allegedly voted for him. This is not the case. Unfortunately "those who count the vote" control everything. The election result was a fabrication, an outright fraud. Bush was voted out, yet he still holds office and will for the next 4 years. But you hear virtually nothing about the Ohio recount battle on the evening news. Since when did TV news commentators take over your free will? Every time you sit back and do nothing.

2. Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil

I wish mainly to address the "average" American. The ones who reside mostly in the Red States and also a slight minority who live in the Blue States. They religiously follow the mainstream media and Republican agenda, unquestioning and blindly obeying official Homeland Security pronouncements, keeping their hands covered over their ears, eyes and mouth, mimicking "see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil". For them, doing otherwise would subject themselves to accusations and feelings of being unpatriotic. They might lose their 9 to 5 job or their tenure at the high school or university where they teach, or lose their seat in Congress.

They are afraid to speak out or exercise their inner convictions. They don't care about the lies and crimes perpetrated daily by their leaders and the monkey media or how many other families sons and daughters will die giving their life for "their country." I'm sure this description does not apply to all of them. Some are caught in the disingenuous trap of "my country right or wrong" and will not free themselves from the grand illusion. Maybe they really believe the government's version of what happened on 9/11. Ignorance is no excuse. I know most of the people reading this don't believe the governments version of 9/11 or the reasons for going to war with Iraq and I am in essence preaching to the choir. But if I can reach someone who still adamantly clings to the biggest lie ever told, maybe I can change their mind and help them understand what our country has really done and has been doing since September 11, 2001, make them stop behaving like monkeys and start becoming responsible citizens, then maybe there is still hope to salvage what America truly represents or used to represent. How many of you are familiar with the story of the "Hundredth Monkey?" Well, when you have time, read about this amazing study.

3. Monkey On Your Back

The Bush administration is a monkey on America's back. Our economy is swirling down the drain. The dollar is constantly being devalued. High paying, high tech jobs are being outsourced overseas as well as most manufacturing and customer service jobs to take advantage of cheap labor. Those who shop at Wal-Mart, K-mart, Target, Home Depot, McDonald's and clone-type stores believe they are saving money, but in reality they are accomplices in the murder of America. It will be too late before they realize the harm they are doing to this country. Under the illusion they are making ends meet, they are stealing and destroying each and every decent hard working American's livelihood. Buy now pay later, live for today. They don't realize that the problem is pandemic to their own survival. Soon they too won't be able to buy anything even at bargain prices, because they too will also join the ranks of the unemployed. Welcome to the machine.

We are all cogs in the great corporate machine. Our brave sons and daughters die needlessly in Iraq. 1400 already dead and more may die. Why? Why do we tolerate this? We dance to the media's fairy tale of liberating Iraqi and bringing them the blessings of democracy. Those people have done nothing to us, but are being subjected to the most heinous criminal military action in all of history! Our military has already mercilessly and wrecklessly killed over 100,000 Iraqi people. And they continue to kill and maim innocent civilians on a daily basis. Witness the massacre in Fallujah. Where is the real support for our sons and daughters who are over there fighting and have no good reason to be there? Why don't their parents come out in the streets and tell Bush to bring them all home and that enough is enough! Our congressmen are mute and act like zombies. We must stop the bloodshed and the killing. This is the 21st century. War is not an acceptable solution. Human beings want peace but we will not have it until we all act together and individually. Stand up to the corporate and government bullies that subjugate us. Hit them where it hurts most, in their wallets. Face it, we fear our government, not the terrorists!

The United States is not a true democracy. We are a republic. This means we elect self-serving representatives, i.e.; congressmen and senators to represent us. But they really don't represent us. They represent the corporations, which oddly, are given the same rights as people by our own Constitution! By giving corporations the same rights as people, you demean people. In our national anthem we say "I pledge allegiance to the flag, and to the Republic for which it stands." Remember Toni Smith, the high school student who turned sideways when they read the Pledge of Allegiance at a basketball game? Where is this kind of bravery today in our so called democracy. She was actually ridiculed and berated for doing this. She is a true American hero. Being afraid to speak out makes cowards of us all. Tolerating injustice and doing nothing but keeping silent makes us all accomplices in the destruction of our great country.

It's time to get this monkey off our back!

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